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How To Develop Self-Love for Yourself

Hey! Why would you hate yourself and put yourself to be down trodden by people. In this post you will understand what self-love really means and how to develop self-love for yourself. 

Self-love is a treatment that you give yourself that make you happy and put confidence in you. Remember you can’t love people more than you love yourself, and you are not wrong to put yourself first. This is because it is out of the love you have for yourself that you share to others.

Many people have been in the trap if self-hatred because of one reason or the other, either because of a statement that was used at them or because they tried to do something and failed at it.

Can you believe that some hates themselves and never knew thinking they loved themselves. This is why some persons ends up frustrated and go ahead to commit suicide. 
Suicide is the return of self-hatred.

You can develop and achieve self-love with the following listed among others
 Be who you really are. 
Never fake your life to become another person. Such attitude of fake lifestyle shows that you hate your real you the way God created you to be. And you know what when you have come to pick of that fake life, you become tired of it and it gets you frustrated.

Hang and stay around people that appreciate your personality as well as show love for it.
Not everyone appreciates your true you. They just hate it when you are your real self and love the photocopy life that you always display. Therefore, stay associated with people that truly show respect and value you when you are your real self and the fake.

Believe in yourself and also see yourself that you can. Never allow the failure over a particular assignment or duty called to pull you down against yourself. You are not a failure, only see that failure as a bridge to your greatness.

Always give yourself that self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence, no matter what or who you stay around with, never limit yourself, because someone out there is seeking to be who or what you are hating yourself for.

You can only be you and non can ever be you again. There is something about you and in you that non can ever access again.

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