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Steps to Becoming The Head At All Times Of Life

The head is an integral part of the human body, which signifies authority, power, director or dictator to the body. If the head lacks the eyes, ears, nose and the mouth the body becomes useless, as you know these are the major list of the sense organs.

To be the head in all you do in life, then you must be ready and willing to carry out these two important steps.

Separation in this wise simply tells avoiding the wrong and bad company. As it is said birds of same feather flocks together. You cannot fly with the wrong companion. 

An eagle will never go with a pigeon, yet they are all birds. The pigeon cannot soar like the eagle and has no bright and calculative sight like the eagle.

If you must be the head or a leader, have powers or authority, you must be separated from the wrong people that stains and kill vision and plan.

Focus entails diligence with a goal to achieve. If you will get to the success plain, you must live focused. Truly distraction will come your way from as many individuals like friends, family, leaders or elder. Only remain in line to avoid losing.

An athlete will never leave his lane for another no matter what happens as distractions, why? He bears in mind that if I leave my lane, I will be disqualified or after running I will be considered as the last of them no matter my position in the race.

Remember, you cannot be separated without focus, and cannot be focused without separation.

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