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Daily Manner, Monday 29th January, 2018


TEXT: JONAH 3:1-10

KEY VERSE: “So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them” (JONAH 3:5).

Unlike some nations who became stiff-necked even after repeated warnings from God, the people of Nineveh were contrite in spirit. They knew they had offended God and needed His mercy. They also did not take God for granted; hence, their prompt response to Jonah’s simple message. The people of Nineveh did not wait to see any sign; they did not want to behold God’s angry frown. Jonah had been sent to the city of Nineveh to warn them of an impending doom as a result of their sin. In the preceding chapters, Jonah had initially thought he could hide from the presence of God as he was reluctant to carry out the simple assignment until he suffered some strange punishments from Him. When he was rescued from the belly of a fish, he decided to preach to Nineveh.

The people received the message and repented in ashes and sackcloth. The king declared a national mourning for their collective sins and fasting to show their level of sorrow for sin. As in all cases of genuine repentance, the omnipotent and omniscient God decided to show them mercy. 

It’s glorious to read how a whole city moved from condemnation to justification. Nineveh got a new identity; they changed their status (2 Corinthians 5:17). It was now a new day for Nineveh. As they repented of their sins and turned to God in faith, they were spared.

Today, the same grace Nineveh appropriated is available to whosoever will humble him/herself. The Almighty is willing and able to forgive and forget. Today will be a day of grace for you if you, like the Ninevites, truly repent, forsake your sins and receive Christ as Saviour. God never despises a broken and a contrite heart.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: God is more interested in forgiving sinners than in destroying them.



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