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How To Develop A Highly Motivated Spirit Daily - Episode 1

In today life, many because of one failure or the other has given up and rated themselves as an unsuccessful individual because of their past mistakes and errors. 

However, such action of accepting failure has produce total weakness in their desire to push hard for greatness. 

There are ways to revive that downtrodden success and pick up from where you have missed it to achieve an outstanding success in life that others can refer to. 

How do you develop an unwavering motivated Spirit. 

Be Focused
If you must be highly motivated for what you want to become without any failure, you must have a sharp focus that avoids distraction. 

These distraction can come in diverse ways, and some of the following are the distractions you might face or elements of distractions that may come your ways to deter you from you journey to success and make you less motivated. 

* Friend
There are friends that will never want to see you get to the top you dream of,  all they keep doing is to make sure they pull you out of the way to greatness,  either feeding you with word or making use of body languages that you cannot get to the top. 

when such is in progress, save yourself the pain of quittng and separate from such friend,  but never stop loving him or her. 

"You are commanded to Love everybody,
but Friendship is a choice"
 -Bishop David Abioye 

What a wise word indeed.  Take this to heart and make a positive step daily into greatness and remain ever motivated. 

How To Develop A Highly Motivated Spirit Daily still continues 
Join us for Episode 2.


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