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What is Faith

Faith as given by the father through his word, 'is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen'.
Faith is simply believing, trusting in the power of God.

Many believers today have lived outside the shelter of faith, yet they claim to be a believer in the power of God. And that equation is certainly not correct.

Jesus himself has stress so much on faith in various ways to relay to us his children how much faith is of great importance and of necessity in the spiritual walk with him.

Reading through the synoptic books of the Bible, all who came to Jesus for healing received their healing with one statement, 'THY FAITH MAKE THEE WHOLE'. You need some level of faith to connect the blessing you desire from God.

Faithlessness is the presence of fear, and faithfulness is the absence of fear. you are either faithful or fearful.

Faith is a trading currency with the store house of heaven. No matter your level of fasting and prayer, if you lack the faith to pull the answers down you will end up getting disappointed with the mind of God has refused to answer you.

God did not refuse to answer, He only have a spiritual code that you just have to fit into to get that desires of yours.

Jesus said 'when ye pray believe that you receive'. until you start believing(which is faith) you can receive anything. And remember without faith it is impossible to please God.

Up next on this topic: How to develop and grow an effective faith life


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